Saturday, February 23, 2013

To Blog

or not to blog, that is the question. I have finally decided to give into the madness and start a blog of my own. I was unable to get the blog name I had actually wanted--which had so many possibilities. I had wanted the blog named "Plain Yogurt". Because starting with plain yogurt you can create so many things. But, someone else must have already claimed it since Blogger said, "No! You may not have it!"

Thus, I have reverted to an old friend, reprising my role as the Duchess of Spring. If I stay in character it will limit me and this blog to a mere fantasy. While the fantasy has been a joy since the creation of the Duchy, I am not sure I wish to be limited any longer.

However, getting up off my static place and actually creating a blog regardless the name is movement. As a writer, I need movement. If I do not have movement, if there is no change, I will wither and die. So, for now, the Duchy is here and the Duchess is playing. Learning to blog. It has to be a good thing, right?


  1. Nice beginning! (Said as one beginner to another, you understand.) Beautiful design. I'll be interested to watch this grow. I find it stimulating, keeping the words flowing. Hope you will also!


  2. Thanks, Guys! I am glad you approve.

  3. Welcome to the blogosphere. The blogosphere welcomes you. One of us. One of us! :)

    1. It is good to be a part of something. A secret society member. Oh, wait. Blogging isn't secret. A not-a-secret society, then. :D

      Thanks for the comment, Bettielee. Glad to have you stop by. :)

  4. Yogurt the wise. Yogurt the magnificent.
    PLease, please, just plain yogurt...

    (Sorry, had to quote Mel Brooks. :) )

    Beautful set up. Can't wait to see what you'll post.

    1. Nothing wrong with Mel.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Brett.

      Fwiw, I can't wait to see what I'll post, either. :p
